Air in Raipur
Apart from COPD, air pollution also raises risk of cancer, cardiovascular diseases and diabetes prevalence. Air pollution contributes to about 4-5% of diabetes cases in India. “Air pollution is an endocrine disruptor; it gets into the blood and impacts the hormones. It damages the beta cells in the pancreas that produces insulin...” said Dr Vishwanathan Mohan, lead author of the paper on diabetes in Lancet. ( India State-Level Disease Burden Initiative Diabetes ... the Global Burden .. Study 1990–2016. published in 2018 . ) Also see Urban Emissions in Raipur can be seen at Open Sense (SHRC Indoors), at an international map or at Grafana 10 Cities data. Further data about SHRC outdoors is available and an older monitor is on its way to Korba. You can see a map of India with all Atmos data too Air Significant Findings of Urban Emissions site